Saturday, March 1, 2025

February Reads: A Mixed Bag of Books!

 February sure did blow through quickly! However, each day draaaaggged on. Sheesh. 

I read a few interesting books this month, and started quite a few that I'm still working on. I also bought 4 books in the past week, to add to the library books I've checked out. Here comes the struggle to decide which to tackle first. 

Here's what I read this month:

I enjoyed learning about Brooke's journey towards more self-acceptance, and the aha! moments that happen as you move through your fifties. Motivation to keep thriving and growing. 

This was a cute fast read about a young woman recently diagnosed with lupus, who returns to her Aunt's home for a quick break and quickly discovers the magic that she left behind as a teenager. Books, gardens, old friends, and a chance at healing her heart. A gentle read.

Loved this one! This was a pick me up from the library that turned out to be one of the most interesting books I've read in a long time. Tilda is diagnosed with the invisibility disease, which affects women over 50. They slowly, finger by toe, ear by nose, limb by limb, disappear. Tilda decides she's not disappearing without a fight, and forges a path towards understanding, healing, and learning to tell PEARL to shut the hell up! 

Read this for work, and yes, it's typical Lencioni, but did have some good points about finding the best people for your team, and creating an environment of all on one team to build success. Hungry, Humble, and Smart are the cornerstones to a solid work team. 

I've made the mistake of dipping back into social media, and all it's brought me is a lot of stress headaches. So I'm going back to my books to keep my mind occupied and lower the stress! Please support your local public libraries and bookstores. Keep reading!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

January Reads: Where Books Keep Me Sane!

 Ah, January. The month where I embrace the gloomy days and hibernate. This January was especially long, which gave me time to read a lot--a lot for me, as I get back into my reset year. 2025 is the year of decreasing my social media time, shutting off the TV, and getting back to reading like I used to before the smart phone craziness. 

Reading also helps me cope with stress and is my comfort blanket. When I can't handle the stresses of life, I dive into a book. 

I did read quite a few great books, but there are some I can't quite review just yet. But I can show you what I've read! 

A lovely English novel about a young widow starting over in a small village. Great supporting cast of characters, love story, and overall a novel that takes you away!

I couldn't wait to read the ARC of this highly anticipated novel from the author of Weyward. Out in the US on April 1st, this is a tale of sisters--two who find themselves on a convict ship bound for Australia, and two modern sisters who have a tangled relationship, an unexplainable draw to the ocean, and dreams that connect them to the past. Ooh, it was a fascinating read! 

My first book of 2025, this was a quick read but had some impactful moments. A short novel about a man living in 1985 Ireland; living a simple life, but one where unanswered questions about his past come full circle on Christmas Eve. 
There's a heck of a lot packed into this short novel, and plenty to discuss involving the Catholic Church, the abuse of young women, and the observations that people are more comfortable staying quiet than making change and causing a stir.

Here are other novels I read in January; all are children's speculative fiction.  I'll have reviews later this month:

Happy reading everyone!! 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Some of My Highly Anticipated Reads for 2025

 If there is one thing my partner knows about me, it's that I will never turn down a gift card to a bookstore. Armed with my B&N gift cards, I'll be making a few purchases this year. Most of these titles are out in early 2025 and I'm giddy about them! 

In no particular order, here are some of the books I can't wait to read this year:

Author of The Lost Apothecary. Enough said. 

Civil War novel--sign me up! 

Ooh, this historical thriller gives me Da Vinci Code vibes. 

Horror on the plains. I suspect this one will be intensely good. 

I adored Wayward, and just the cover of this novel makes me giddy. 

One of my favorite historical fiction authors. She's delving into archaeology, another interest of mine. 

The Snow Child was amazing; this is a retelling of Beauty & the Beast. 

Historical fiction. Librarians. The American West. I'm sold. 

There are plenty more books out there that are calling my name, but this is a good start. It's always a treat to have a book to look forward to; I enjoy waiting for them to be published, making the trip to the bookstore, and buying my copy. Sometimes if I'm lucky I can grab one at the library. 

Happy reading! 

The Bookalicious Babe (Sue)

Monday, December 23, 2024

Bookalicious Babe's Top Ten Reads of 2024

 Here it annual Top Ten. I have a weird way of picking my top ten. I look over the books I've read for the year, and jot down the titles that I get a gut reaction to when I see the book cover. The I start numbering them from ten down to one, and make a few adjustments. That's it. That's my process. Pretty simple. 

I've always said I can't remember the names of characters and most times only half of the story, but I do always remember how I felt reading a book. For me it's always how the book made me feel.That's how I keep track of books that either annoyed me, gave me an ugly cry, or maybe left me dwelling on it for days.

I'll confess I was disappointed in my lack of reading this year. I just didn't get to the many books I have stacked at home. I can't force myself to read books just because they are there; I have to be pulled to it, and then I'll read it. Some books stay pretty darn quiet, and others demand to be read right away. So I'm hoping 2025 is the year that many of the books I have at home start yelling and get my attention. 

One more thing, before I reveal my list. A few days ago, a dear fellow book lover--a woman I've known for years; someone who joined my book groups at B&N, attended book talks I put on, and commented on so many of my blog posts, passed away. I'm so very sad for her sweet Mom, her husband, her children and grandchildren. Dawn was a voracious reader, and we usually read a lot of the same books. So Dawn, I know you're up with the stars, and I hope wherever you land, there is a great big library just for you. This Top Ten is for you, Dawn Stephens. 









And my Top Read of the Year:


It's an interesting mix for me--and to have a memoir be my top read of the year is amazing! Here's to a new slate in 2025 and an exciting year of reading ahead! 

Happy Holidays and Season's Readings--

Sue AKA The Bookalicious Babe

Sunday, December 1, 2024

November Reads: Where I Re-discover the Enjoyment of Short Reads

 November was all about reading short stories.  My attention span is zero, so reading shorter bits really fit into my November reading. I thought I would be raring to go with holiday romances, but it hasn't really hit, and I haven't bought a single one so far, which is a record for me. 

I did discover Kindle's Under the Mistletoe collection, which are short holiday romances by some of the most popular romance authors today. Those were fun, and short, which I loved. I've finished three and have two more to go, which I'll read through soon. I've got a few books lined up that I really, really want to finish in December, so I'm going to huddle at home and have a mini readathon for myself. 

Here's what I read in November, in no particular order:


Short romance with some sizzle!

Two childhood pals reconnect during a snowstorm

Two college professors trapped in a "weinermobile" during a snowstorm find something to occupy their time

First in a series about the Winston Brothers. Lots of world building here and introducing all the brothers--will read more!

Absolutely loved this book of short essays about food and the memories created by even the simplest of dishes. 

The sequel to The Bookstore Sisters

Love me a Mary Kay Andrews holiday story! This was cute and a fast read. 

This was a heck of a good read--worthy of a book club discussion. 

I'm working on my December reads, and I'll also be posting my top reads of 2024 later in the month. In the meantime, enjoy the season, take time to read and enjoy the comfort of cozy winter nights. 

Happy Holidays!

The Bookalicious Babe

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

October Reads: Where I Get it Together and Dive Back into Reading

 It's been a  hot minute since I posted or reviewed any books. A welcome break that involved a family visit, lots of cleaning, and investing some time in resetting my home for the upcoming winter months. I guess you could say I was "nesting" and it was wonderful. It is wonderful. I'm ready for a Midwest winter and spending my evenings reading. 

I read more in October than I have in months, and it was absolutely the best mental health medicine I could have asked for! Here's what I read in October, in no particular order:

This was a delightful cozy romance. Super popular right now. Will read the next two in this series. 

Loved this historical novel about a lending library in England during World War 2. A single mother struggles to keep her daughter safe while secretly working under a ban that prevents widows and married women from working. An ode to the power of books to soothe sad hearts. 

I didn't like this as much as I adored The Midnight Library, but it was definitely worth a read and will leave you pondering life, the universe, and our place in it. 

Very interesting non-fiction about a Navajo Ranger and his experiences with the paranormal during his years working in the vast Navajo nation. 

Just had to read this romantic suspense set in Jerome, Arizona. I've been there, and it was fun to revisit. Definitely some steamy sizzle between the two main characters, and an interesting plot. 

This was just a heartbreaking read. Reading about Lisa Marie's life as told through her own words, and the experiences of her daughter Riley, was eye-opening. One of the best memoirs I've read. 

I have been waiting months for this memoir, and gobbled it up was soon as I bought it! Ina's memoir is just as delightful as she is; there are many surprises revealed. You don't have to be a cook, or a fan of her show to be fascinated by the experience of working as a professional woman in the 1970's. Highly recommend!

I was thrilled to read a few memoirs, from two women whom I admire. I'm continuing my reading binge, and oh, it feels so good! 

I'll keep updating my Goodreads account, so feel free to follow me there. I'll be back in November with more reads. 

Sue AKA The Bookalicious Babe

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

1.101 Posts: It All Started on March 28, 2010

 I'm stunned I've been blogging for over 14 years. Gobsmacked. I started off with just a handful of people finding my blog, and now I look at views on my posts and they are in the thousands, which is simply amazing to me. Most of that's due to social media (Facebook) and maybe folks clicking on my links in Goodreads. 

In any case, I'm thrilled people are finding my reviews. I got into blogging because a friend of mine said "you should do a blog" and what started as a blog about musings and weird life stuff quickly evolved into my need to talk about books. Working at a bookstore fulfilled some of my love of book talk, but reaching out to others around the US (and the world!) was just the best thing for me. I read so much; I look back and am amazed at my capacity for devouring numerous books a week. 

This blog has meant a lot to me over the years. It's seen me through some painful losses, bleak times, and career changes that tested my mental strength. As you all know, books are the best kind of comfort. I always find just the right book at the right time for me. I spent hours reading every week, and loved every moment. 

Life is different now, and while my adoration for books will never end, I'm running out of steam with this blog. I've given it a good run, but it's time to step back and regain some time for me. I find myself stressing about posting reviews; rethinking what I'm reading and changing to another book. I want to regain my enthusiasm and quite frankly, read whatever I want. That may mean I read four books devoted to fantasy and maybe one thriller; nonfiction about cooking and interesting people in history. Kids books! Oh lord, so many great kids titles it makes my head spin. 

I will post occasionally to this blog, but mainly I'll be sharing book reads on my Facebook page (@Bookalicious Babe Book Reviews) without the long reviews--just short blips on what I'm reading. I'll continue my Top Ten at the end of each year, too. I love to see everyone's favorite reads and usually discover something new. 

So there you have it. I've been thinking about this for a few years, but I'm finally at a place where I'm ready. 

Thank you all for reading my reviews and following me over the years. I hope I've steered you towards some amazing reads. Follow me on Facebook and Goodreads (Sue Gerth The Bookalicious Babe). 

With much love and gratitude, 


AKA The Bookalicious Babe