Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Reading Plan: First Incarnation

Those of you who know me, know that there are very few days that go by where I don't see a book I want to read, and either buy it, or make a mental note to pick it up later.  I should know by now that the mental note won't work.  The brain is fuzzy, and since I can barely remember what day it is, I have resorted to making a list on my blog for books I currently have, and want to read in the next month or so.

The fantastic thing about having a Nook is that I can buy an ebook and it just patiently sits on my Nook until I'm ready to read it.  So, here's my list the first time around.  Some are ebooks, others I have sitting on the shelves at home.  I also have a pile of paperbacks on my desk at work, which I will be buying on Friday (payday!) so those will be added to the list.  Of course, you can purchase them wherever you want, but my preferred place is my local Barnes and Noble.  Sit back, relax with an iced mocha (extra shot, no whip cream), and enjoy picking out your summer reads!

My List:  * indicates ebook

*The Birth House by Ami McKay
*Cottage by the Sea by Ciji Ware
*The Lost City of Z by David Grann
*The Language of Sand by Ellen Bock
*Sultana by Alan Huffman
The Reincarnationist by M.J. Rose
The Memorist by M.J. Rose
The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters (about halfway through this one)
Strange Neighbors by Ashlyn Chase
Laced with Magic by Barbara Bretton
The Man with the Golden Torc by Simon Green
World Without End by Ken Follett

I think that's enough, don't you?  It's still not everything I have at home, but I'm sure I will change my mind within the next day on what to read and when.  So many choices, so little time!  Oh--one more thing:  this doesn't include the book I'm going to finish up today--The Ghost Orchid by Carol Goodman.


  1. You should try Charlaine Harris' other series; the Harper Connelly one. The first one is called "Grave Sight". They're pretty good and they're all easy reads; I read all four in like 2 weeks or so.

  2. I did read the first two when they first came out. They were pretty good. I have been told by many at work that her Shakespeare mysteries are the best. I'll have to give them a try!
