Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Message of Hope from the Angels by Lorna Byrne

This book came to me the week after my sister passed away.  I went to work a few days after her funeral to check in with my manager and talk about things, and when I went into my office, this was sitting on my desk.  My manager told me it had come in as a free copy that week with my name on it.  

I took this as a sign, but it's taken me a few weeks to pick it up and read it.  It's a slim book, but one you want to linger over and take your time reading.  Some people may think this is all a load of bunk, but really--who wouldn't want to believe that Angels are all around us, all the time?  Angels that comfort, guide, help, and lend us unwavering loving support 24/7.  Guardian angels that are with us all our lives, never leaving us, and leading us when it's our time to go back "home".  I'm all on board with this.  I've always believed in Angels, but this cemented my belief.

This book is written very simply, and would not stand up to a rigorous book review on flowing sentences, structure, and a strict outline.  That is what makes it so satisfying to read.  Lorna Byrne is an Irish mystic--she's been seeing angels since she was a little girl, and for most of her life, never told a soul what she could see and hear.  Now, after her first book, Angels in My Hair was published a few years ago, she's become a beloved figure to many who are looking to understand our world, our purpose, and how we can overcome our problems to make ourselves and the world a better, loving, more open place of light.  Heck yes, sign me up!  I am wide open to believing I have an angel with me all the time.  I am wide open to believing I can say something as simple as "Help me be more confident and courageous today" and know that someone is listening, and doing their best to give me that courage and confidence.  Angels cross all boundaries of religion, belief, culture, education, and lifestyle.  They are there for each soul on this planet with unconditional love and support.  That's a pretty amazing thing.  

So this book came at a critical time for me, and it has given me a small nugget of happiness and comfort.  I have already ordered Lorna's first book, Angels in My Hair and can't wait to read her life story and her experiences.  You don't need to read that before you pick up A Message of Hope...  

If you are looking for a special Christmas present (or any other religious holiday that's celebrated this time of year--we can all use this book!) or a book of comfort for someone who is having a difficult time in their lives, pick up this book and gift it.  The Angels will be happy you forwarded their message of love and strength to someone you love.

Available in hardcover 
Rating:  4/5 for an inspirational message written simply, yet sincerely.  

1 comment :

  1. I love Lorna Byrne, I got two of her books for Christmas and "Angels in My Hair" for my birthday. I find myself sobbing my heart out sometimes, her writing really touches my heart.
