Sunday, December 29, 2013

My Top Ten Reads for 2013

I am here!  Survived finals and retail Christmas; now I have a few days off and plan on relaxing with my sweetie and making a list of all the things I have to do before school starts again in a few weeks.  But in the meantime, I have compiled my favorite ten reads of the past year.  This was really hard to do; I had to whittle it down from twenty.  I'm glad that's a problem; it means I read some really good stuff!  So….without further ado…here are my favorite reads of the past year, starting with #10:

#10  A brilliant, funny, whimsical novel

#9 Not kidding--this was really good, with a whiz-bang ending!

#8  A serial killer jumps through time in Chicago.  Creepy and clever.

#7 First in a series about a medieval woman with a healing touch.

#6 Someone is killing cops in 1889 London.  Victorian murder and forensics.

#5 Amazing historical novel that tells the tale
of  intertwined families. 

#4 First in a mystery series--forensic archaeologist
helps solves murders in England.

#3 Loved this!  Paranormal, serial killer, and a touch
of romance all combine to make this one you should read.

#2 Meet Frederick and Jetta and their great American dream.
Absolutely wonderful historical novel!
 And finally……my absolute favorite read of 2013:

#1 Life After Life by Kate Atkinson!  Woohoo!!  I read this way back in February and it set the bar extremely high for this year.  It has stayed with me all year, firmly set at "the best book I've read so far this year" status.  If you haven't read this, pick it up.  It's out in paperback in January 2014.  Meet Ursula Todd, her amazing, wonderfully realized family, and her many many "lives".  Yes, Ursula lives, dies, lives, dies over and over from 1910 through World War 2 in England.  And every time she pops back, in the same spot where she died, she makes a slight change that sets her path on a different route.  Just go with it, be patient, and accept the fact that she keeps living and dying.  It is so amazing you will not be able to put it down.  I cannot tell you how much I love this book.  It is funny, heartbreaking, and thoughtful, and I don't know how the heck Kate Atkinson wrote it, but she did, and she has a permanent place as a favorite author of mine.  

So there it is, folks.  Looking at my list, I see I have a bit of a blood thirsty bent to my reading this year and less of a fun, romantic liking.  I'm not sure what caused this look to the dark side, but I suspect grieving all year for my sister has something to do with it.  I didn't want to read fun and happy.  I don't know what this next year holds as far as reading patterns, but I know I'll be reading some of my favorite authors:  Sarah Addison Allen, Alice Hoffman, and Paula Brackston.  And….I'm pretty sure I'll be dipping into some massive tomes, too.  

What are you looking forward to reading in 2014?  I love the start of a new year; so many possibilities that I am giddy with anticipation.

So on that note, I'm off to read!  Have a wonderful New Year!


  1. Life After Life is my number 1 book this year as well. And I also rated Bernadette with 5 stars. But I have no other anticipations for 2014 than the new book by Haruki Murakami.

    1. I hope it's a stellar year for reading. I suspect it will be so and I'll be trying to read too many books all at once.

  2. Good morning Sue......thanks for this wonderful list. Am off to purchase LIFE AFTER LIFE. I've read wonderful reviews about this book....can't wait to start it.



  3. I love the quote you began with, it fits my situation perfectly. My love for books has consumed me, but I'd rather that than the alternative. I have a few great books to add to my growing pile of books to read. Thanks!

  4. Thank you thank you for letting me know there's a Kate Atkinson that somehow escaped my notice! I know 2013 was a busy year but I'm not sure how on earth that happened! I can't wait to read it now.

    I studied 'behind the scenes at the museum' at uni, and it's stayed with me ever since. I was living in York at the time, and wandering round reading it (I know, walking and reading is dangerous, folks!) is one of my best memories of Uni.

    You just made my day - and I feel really daft for not noticing, say, last year!

  5. Life after Life is my all time favorite book right now. Kate Atkinson has such a magical and exquisite way with words that just feeds my soul. Thank you for sharing this
    Underrated Books
