Monday, June 30, 2014

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

So much fun to read a novel from a man's point of view as he looks for love in a very scientific kind of way.  Sounds kinda goofy, and it is--in a wonderfully funny way.  Don Tillman is a total square.  He's in his early 40's and a genetics professor.  He has decided it is time to find a wife, and goes about this in a very scientific way:  he produces a 16 page questionnaire to find suitable candidates.  Among the questions asked to filter out the "unsuitable" candidates:  do they drink?  smoke?  Are they on time or late?  Are they vegetarian?  

Don lives his life by a very scheduled, regimented  plan.  He looks at everything scientifically and not emotionally, which is part of his charm.  Yes, he is charming in his total dysfunction.  And along comes Rosie, a PhD candidate in Psychology who asks Don to help her find out just who among a field of academics is her natural father.  And guess what?  Rosie is everything Don doesn't want, yet he finds himself feeling attracted to her, thrown off his regimented plans, and examining his burgeoning emotions.  All which throw him in a tizzy.  It's so much fun to read Don's thought process through this whole unexpected awakening to love. And Rosie is equally charming in her complete normal-ness.  She herself is in a bit of a quandary over finding such a odd duck appealing--truly, opposites attract.  

Can Don help Rosie find her real father?  And what of his wife project?  Will he ever find a suitable candidate?  This is a sweet story of two people making their way towards each other in a completely awkward and humorous way.  And really, isn't that how love usually goes?  You will love this novel!  Perfect for summer.  

Rating:  7/10 for a refreshing look at finding love with a cast of characters who are completely charming.  You'll find yourself cheering them on to a happy ending.  

Available in hardcover, paperback, ebook, and audio.

1 comment :

  1. This has been on my TBR Pile...thanks for reminding me that I should really get to it!
