Saturday, February 14, 2015

Need a Little Romance? Some of My Favorite Romantic Reads

Valentine's Day is here.  I myself prefer spending the day laying on my couch, covered in a blanket, and reading a good book. Today the wind is howling outside, which makes it a perfect "leave me alone I'm reading" kind of day.  

Here are a few of my favorite romantic reads.  There's historical fiction, contemporary, young love, heartbreak, and happy endings.  We all know the path of love is never smooth--especially when you finally find it!  Whether you're in the mood for something light or something with a bit more heft, I've got you covered.  In no particular order, here are some of the books that have made my heart go pitter patter:

One of my all time favorite pioneer novels.  All I can say is Jack!!

If you've never read this novel, please do.  It is delightful. 

Stuck on an island....older woman, younger man.  Good stuff.

Teen love done very very well.

Historical fiction with an excellent romantic tale.

Considered a classic romance--time travel and a knight!

The true story of Ree Drummond and her Marlboro Man.



  1. Sue.....I'm not much for romance in novels but THESE IS MY WORDS was absolutely one of my favorite books.

    I read it sometime ago but I still remember the heroine and her story.



  2. I love your choices, because they're not actually in the romance genre! I've been wanting to read The Winter Sea, because its premise and the cover sounds so great.
    These is my Words is lovely too.

  3. Read this amazing paranormal romantic book here :

  4. Lovely list! I absolutely adore Bridget Jones' Diary and Eleanor & Park. :) the first one's funny, the latter's heartbreaking. But both very good. - Joy @ The Bookshelf Intruder

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