Friday, October 16, 2015

Fun Friday Post: Books I'd Love to Have on My Bookcase

I was contacted by and asked if I would be interested in writing a blog post about books I'd love to have on my bookshelves. It got me thinking a bit about what I'd love to have, and here are a few that would put a smile on my face:

Beatrix Potter!  Amazing to realize these books are still issued in this size, with these illustrations.  I'd love editions from 1917.  

1917 Frederick Warne & Co., NY
Jane Austen.  Need I say more???

Description: All published in London by Richard Bentley & Son. *Pride and Prejudice (1885) New Edition. *A Memoir of Jane Austen by Her Nephew J. E. Austen Leigh (1883) Fifth Edition. *Mansfield Park, A Novel (1885) New Edition. *Emma, A Novel (1882) New Edition. *Sense and Sensibility, A Novel (1882) New Edition. *Northanger Abbey, A Novel (1885) New Edition. Uniformly bound in blind stamped dark green cloth. 
Description: R.M.S. TITANIC: "Story of the Wreck of the Titanic", first edition 1912.

I've always been obsessed with the Titanic, and this gem from 1912 would be pretty fantastic to have at home.  

Take a look at what has to offer in their books section--make your wish list, and keep checking for more enticing books.  Who knows?  You just may find that one you can't live without. 

1 comment :

  1. All of these made me swoon! Seriously every bookworm's dream to own such gorgeous original editions.
