Monday, December 31, 2018

January Reads and Setting a 2019 Goal: Clear the Bookshelves Because They are Out of Control

Here it is...the last day of 2018. I'm going to spend the evening with my boyfriend at his house, watching a remake of Overboard (I have a deep fondness for the original with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell), sipping Prosecco, and nibbling on roasted shrimp dripping in garlic and butter. There may also be a chocolate pie for dessert, too. And bread, because why not end the year right?

I've already signed up for the Beat the Backlist Challenge with NovelKnight (you can, too!) as a tool to help me read from my bookcases and if I'm lucky, the boxes of books I have in my basement. I always start out ambitious and then life says "Oh no, hang on. Here's a few other things you need to do first" and then I hit a snag that slows down my reading. The only thing I really enjoy about January is having plenty of time to be home at night and on the weekends to read and chill out. I most definitely become a hermit until around March. However, I remain optimistic that I will go forth and read like mad for the next few months. 

This month I've got a few new books to read, and a few that I've had for a few months that I've plucked from a stack in my bedroom. It's an interesting mix. I'm hoping to dive back into historical fiction again this year--it's my favorite genre and I noticed I didn't read a whole lot of it last year. Luckily, most of what I'm aiming to read this month fits into my backlist challenge and are books I've got at home--double yay for me. Here's what's in store for January:

This is for a January book club: The Scarlett Letter set in the future.

Found this at B&N earlier in December and thought it looked interesting. I can't wait to read this one. 

I've been waiting for this for a few months! Just bought it the other day. Dual timeline; Queen (Princess) Elizabeth's wedding gown and 1947 London. 

I'm reading the first in the series; three kids search for the Grail in a battle with the dark.

I'll probably have a few others that will pop in for reviews, but for now, I'm starting off with these. I'm excited for a new year in books and hope to have a good balance of new and backlist titles each month. 

Have a wonderful New Year's 2019! 

The Bookalicious Babe

1 comment :

  1. Looking good. I too am reading that Susan Cooper series. I have enjoyed your reviews this year. I hope you have gotten my comments. And I invite you to check out my blog:
