Tuesday, February 26, 2019

My Reading Dip: When You Love to Read But Temporarily Lose Your Mojo

Maintaining a blog is both motivating and sometimes, a burden. I like to post reviews a few times a week, and this helps keep me on task with my reading. I usually manage to successfully post each week and I'm always reading 2-4 books at a time. 

Taking part in the reading challenge on Goodreads is a big help, too. It's fun to see the number climb and to see what I've read during the year. Plus, I am part of a great book group where we get together each month and just talk about what we're reading. And I'm someone who loves to walk around my local bookstore every few weeks just to see what's new. I work at a library, and while I see new materials all the time, I miss a lot. Reading about new titles, author news, all sorts of book stuff-I spend time on that every week, too. If I'm not watching my DVR'd TV shows, I'm reading at home. 

I read every day. If I have a busy day and I don't get to read for at least 30 minutes, it bothers me and I end up a bit testy. I read every night before I shut off the light. I can't sleep if I don't read first. It's usually the time when I start a new book. 

So imagine my dismay that the month of February has completely derailed my reading mojo. I started the month excited to start a few great books. I even bought a few more (because that's what I do). I've checked out a whole mess of books from the library. Yet as the month is ending in a few days, I've discovered my reading has taken a hit, and I'm not really too upset about it. It's been a busy month at work; and this past week I found myself away from home 5 out of 7 nights. When I was reading, I wasn't satisfied with what I was reading. I had reading restlessness big time. The weather has sucked for weeks and I keep finding myself reading domestic thrillers, or novels that are a bit heavy. Ugh. It's all taken a toll. 

It's okay to have a reading dip. My lack of angst about it has given me some  insight. I've obviously reached a point where I need to change what I've been reading, and sometimes life takes over and reading has to take a back seat. 

So, I'm still reading. I'm going to focus on some historical fiction, and some lighter reads. Both genres have been missing a bit from my reading life, and I find myself longing for my go-to feel good reads. Here's what I'll be reading in March:

I discovered this author recently; her novels are compared to Barbara Erskine, who is one of my favorite authors. Historical fiction/mystery/magic

I've been waiting to read this novel for some time. Now, it's a book group read for March. 

A novel about Katherine Parr's mysterious daughter. It's a Nicola Cornick kind of month (I have her other historical fiction novel at home, too).

A novel about a past crush and a new chance at love.

A novel that checks off a bunch of requirements:
A read off the shelf book
A novel set in Ireland (for a March book group)
Fantasy by a really great author!

I hope March is a bit better in my reading world. It will also be a very busy month: planning a wedding shower for my niece, attending an out of town "sprinkle" party for another niece's baby girl **I have a lot of nieces and nephews!**, helping out at my gym's competition event, out of town family visiting...and lots of exciting projects at work! 

My reading mojo will come back; I think the winter weather has added to my funk. Spring is around the corner, and I can't wait to get outside and breathe!

1 comment :

  1. Funny (or at least coincidental), I've had a major reading slump this month too!

    I've only read and reviewed two novels on my blog (Tangerine by Christine Mangan and An American Marriage by Tayari Jones) and I've started three other books, which I gave up on reading as they didn't capture my interest.

    I usually read many books each month and am hoping March will be a better month.

    By the way, I listened to the unabridged audio version of The Alice Network last year. Here's a link to my review if you'd like to see what I thought of it: https://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2018/05/the-alice-network-by-kate-quinn.html
