Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Thinking About Reading Challenges, TBR Piles, and All the New Books of 2020: What's in Store for January

Is it wrong that I've already ordered two new paperbacks, and two hardcovers, all new titles that are out in January? See, this is why I tell myself I won't limit myself on how many books I can buy each month. I'd last about 10 minutes before I broke that promise, so I'm not going to try, and heck yes, I'm not even going to feel bad about it!

However, I'm happy to say I am still checking books out at my library. And I have been thinking and pondering for days just what to do with all of my TBR piles sitting around at home. Brilliant breakthroughs have not made an appearance, so in the spirit of not putting ridiculous pressure on myself, I'm just going to make an effort each month to grab a few books off my bookcases and my piles on the floor and read them, then pass them along to friends and family.   So for every new book I buy, I've got to read that much out of my piles at home. HOLY HECK.

January is usually one of my big read months. The weather may turn nasty at any given moment, and I usually just spend most of my time reading at home when I'm not working. I expect that to happen this January, too. It's my official hermit month. It begins at midnight tonight. 

Here are a few of the books I plan on reading and reviewing in January:

This is a TBR book; also fills a requirement for my book club theme this month. 

Another TBR book--I started it very early this morning and already cried. Better get the tissues out cause I know there's more to come. 

New in January--I can't wait to read this! The latest from the author of The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend.

Just checked this out today from the library, already started it, and was immediately  sucked into the story. Two women living in the same house 50 years apart; marriages, secrets, and trying to be the "perfect wife". 

I'm planning on a few other titles for January but haven't landed on exactly what just yet. I'm still wrestling with the idea of signing up for the Goodreads 2020 Reading Challenge when it's available. It does give me an easy and quick look at what I've read over the year, and I do like to have a goal. However, sometimes it can make me feel panicky when I haven't had time to read at a steady pace. So is it worth it? I don't know. I think 2020 will be a year when I will be more patient with some of the books I read and give them a fair shake before I DNF and pick up something new. It's a TBR pile knockdown kind of year and I can't wait to rediscover some of the books I bought a year or two ago and never read. So while I'm excited for the year of 2020 in reading, I'm being cautious about goals and strategies and working on just rediscovering and discovering some pretty fantastic stories. 

I can't wait to share it all with you! 

Happy New Year!  

The Bookalicious Babe


  1. Good luck with your reading goals!! I tried reading The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu last year and just couldn't get into it. I'm curious to see what you'll think of it.

    1. Oh I had to DNF it. I struggled! I'll try again and hope to get past my block!
