Thursday, April 1, 2021

Did I Make My March Madness Reading Goal? And April Reads are Here!

 Did I make my goal and read everything I planned in March? In a word:


Dang it! I started both The Conductors by Nicole Glover and Kristin Hannah's The Four Winds but haven't made enough headway to finish in March. I may end up buying The Conductors so I can finish it later-it's due back at the library. I'll finish both books in April (sometime!) and get those reviews out. 

I thought I'd be able to relax a little bit in April, but then I made a few trips to Barnes and Noble and blew it. I've got three books to read and review for publishers, and I'm trying really hard not to buy anything else for a few weeks so I can catch up. It's a heck of a mishmash of different genres but that's what makes reading so interesting every month. 

Here's what's on tap for April:

I've got a lot to read, for sure. Quite a few different books that I normally wouldn't jump at, so this will be an interesting month of discovery. 

Happy April and welcome Spring! My daffodils are mere days away from blooming!

(Click on the blurbs beneath each title to order).


  1. Replies
    1. It's definitely not something I would normally read so I'm interested to see how it goes!

  2. Sorry you didn't have a great reading month. Great post!
