It's here! My Top Ten! Where did this year go? I think I'd like to just blank out 2020 & 2021 and jump right to 2022. Only problem is then I would have to forget all the wonderful books I saw, touched, read, and yes, dreamed about reading.
The end of the year is always a time of reflection for me as I look back and think about my DNF's, titles I bought and are still sitting on a shelf (or in a pile on the floor); the books I said I'd read and review and didn't. I look at other bloggers and sometimes feel like I'm not reading the books I should be reading. It can all become a downward spiral pretty quickly, until I stop myself and think about why I've been blogging for over 11 years.
I do it because I like to talk about what I've been reading. Sometimes I read the popular books, and other times I like to read books that didn't get the spotlight but are absolutely wonderful reads. Sometimes I get on a kick and only read one type of book until that phase ends and I'm on to something new. Here's what I've noticed in my reading for 2021:
1. I am having difficulty concentrating on reading--doesn't matter what genre or how long of a book.
2. I'm definitely reading books and authors that bring me comfort.
3. Non-Fiction reading has been almost completely absent, save for a few titles.
4. I haven't read very many ebooks and haven't listened to any audio books.
5. I'm burnt out on book clubs. Meeting in person is just exhausting to me. Running a book club is exhausting, too. I've been in book clubs for 20 years, and I need a break from being in charge!
Reading is still my go-to comfort and my stress reliever. I still read every night before I shut the light off. I'm still borrowing books from the library, and buying books every month from my favorite bookstore. I still want to come home from work and sit on the couch and read (I try, but dang it I get distracted!). I haven't lost my love of reading, and my love of books. Phew.
I was a bit worried I wouldn't have a top ten this year, but once I began looking at my list, I quickly realized I did and then the task began to try and decide my top read for 2021. That's the toughest part of all.
Here it is--my Top Ten Reads of 2021: