Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again

It feels like I have been gone from this blog for so long!  Too much stuff going on, and sadly, my reading time has been cut drastically.  But, I am happy to say, I am getting back into my grove and hope to hit 70 books by the end of July.  I have some amazing reads lined up:

Great House
State of Wonder

Nothing Daunted

Courtesy of NetGalley
I've got a few things figured out, to make sure I always have a book with me:  The Nook is always charged up and ready to read, I have a spare book in the truck, and I have so many back up books to read, I'll never lack for something to read in any genre.  Phew.  I hope to get back to my Random Reads Monday soon, to keep the books on my bookshelves from getting lonely and neglected.  If you're looking for a no-stress book club, please join my reading group on Talking Leaf Book Club.  We're reading The Great House by Nicole Krauss in July, and I'll be posting another batch of titles to vote on for August, September, and October.  

Happy Reading!

1 comment :

  1. Can't wait for The Great House and I'm heading over to Talking Leaf to leave my thoughts on The Red Leather Diary...just finished! :)
