Saturday, October 29, 2016

Upcoming Reviews for November...A Little Romance, a Little Paranormal, a Little Fiction and Special November Postings

I am having a hard time grasping the fact that November is just around the corner.  October flew by (it helped being on vacation for 2 weeks!) and I'm hurrying to read some spooky reads this month.  Those spooky reads will spill over into November, but they'll be followed by some fun Christmas reads.  There's nothing I love more than reading Christmas romances.  

But before I can transition to Christmas, I've got a bit on my TBR list to read and review.  I'm getting excited thinking about my annual top ten favorite reads of the year, coming at the end of December.  There's still plenty of time to find more gems in my reading pile.  

My reading for November is a bit of a mix, but I think it's a good balance.  Recommends from friends, publisher reviews, and books I've picked out all come together to make an interesting melange.  And that's the great thing about books, right?  They take you anywhere you want to go.  

Besides my reviews, I'm going to do something special in November.  I've got a big birthday this month:  the big 5-0.  I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one.  But to help ease myself into another decade, I've decided to post throughout November my favorite 50 reads.  I'll have a post every week with at least 10 of my favorite books.  Some I've reviewed, others are from years past before I started my blog.  It will be fun for me to look back at how my reading has evolved (or not) over the years.  So stay tuned for that!  

Here are the books I'll be reviewing for November:

The sequel, The Fifth Petal, is out in January

A favorite author's tale of a haunted house

Mystery and reincarnation

Highly recommended by friends!

A mystery that's getting tons of buzz

A day that change's Henry's life

Jojo Moyes!  Short stories sure to please
I'm hard at work doubling down on my reading!  Read all night?  Don't have to twist my arm.  Now if I could only figure out how to read while I work out...


  1. OH, I absolutely LOVE The Lace Reader. It is truly a wonderful book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review
    Follow me on Bloglovin'

    1. I can't wait to read it! It's been on my radar for years. Finally picked it up from the bookstore last week. Can't wait to read the sequel.

  2. I too enjoyed The Lace Reader. And Homegoing was one of my top reads in 2016. You have a great month of reading ahead of you!
