Friday, December 30, 2022

The Bookalicious Babe's Honorable Mentions of 2022

 I was looking over my reads of the past year and was pleasantly surprised at how hard it was to pick my top ten. I have been a bit down thinking about all the books I didn't get to read this year, mostly due to just not having the time. Life got in the way. 

Talking to my partner last night, and going over my personal reading goals for the past 10 years, I saw there were years where I kicked it out of the park, and other years where I just struggled. And every one of those years I struggled it was due to life getting in the way--work, school, family illnesses. My partner, who I love to the moon and back, doesn't read. He's always amazed that I do read and at how much I manage to squeeze in the year. He pointed out that I actually read at least a book a week for the past 52 weeks. So heck yes, I'm feeling better! I do not review every book I read, for various reasons. Some are picture books, some are short stories, and some don't call out for a review. My Goodreads account (Sue Gerth) has everything I've read this year. I didn't make my reading goal this year, but I am happy with what I accomplished. 

Without further ado, I'll start with my Honorable Mentions of 2022. These are books that didn't make the Top Ten list but I enjoyed them so much! 

The Maid was a refreshing mystery that had me cheering for Molly, who is caught up in a murder while on the job at a hotel. She's lovable, smart, and works hard to understand the world around her. 

Anyone who has lost a parent will feel the pull of heartstrings reading this dreamy novel that takes place in Italy. What if you could meet a younger version of your parent? 

Heather is an Iowa author, and wildly popular. Her thrillers all take place in Iowa, and they are hard to put down! This one is heart pounding from the first page. 

I tried reading Emily's first novel, and didn't like it. I tried again and so enjoyed this novel about two people falling in love and working through all the issues. It felt like a grown up romance full of real life obstacles. 

Alice Feeney, you rock! This was another thriller that I gulped down. A few twists, for sure. So, so good. 

I resisted reading TJR for sooo long! But I finally did, and wow she is a superb writer. I liked everything about this novel: the Malibu setting, the 1980's vibes, the family dynamics. A great read. 

Okay, those are my honorable mentions for 2022. They almost made my top ten, but I had to make some hard choices! Top Ten post is up next, and I won't make you wait for it. 

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