Friday, August 10, 2012

What I'm Reading In The Dog Days of August

Once again trying to maintain some order in my book world.  I figure grabbing a few titles and telling myself I will read them in the next week or so is better than staring helplessly at my piles and not knowing what to pick up next.  I'm finishing up a few odds and ends here and there--I think I have 4 books that I have less than 100 pages each to finish.  Then, this is what I'm reading during the middle of August:

Teen has a deadly talent

A favorite author!

2nd in series--I am liking this series
about a 2100 year old Druid in
contemporary Arizona

Sequel to Anna Dressed in Blood--a great
blood teen ghost story!

A quirky novel about living at Hampton Court
in the Victorian Era
As you can see, I'm all over the place in my reading.  But having lots of choices always keeps it fresh!  And I'm reading off the bookshelves at home, and some new titles I've had on my radar.  What are you reading?

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