Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Indie Chicks Blog Tour: Unfaithfully Yours by Chrystal Rose

I know, this isn't my usual historical fiction!  But I am part of the Indie Chicks blog tour, and reading always means trying new genres and moving out of my comfort zone.  

Unfaithfull Yours is a memoir by Chrystal Rose.  She pulls no punches in this retelling of her struggle to remain faithful to her fiancé  "Shark Boy".  Chrystal's life hasn't been easy:  shuffled between divorced parents, struggling to be heard and understood, and finding herself at a strict boarding school looking for the love she doesn't have growing up.  It all is told humorously and honestly as she moves around the country, working her butt off making a living (sometimes working 3 jobs).  When she's not working, she's partying.  Lots of drinking and fooling around.  Her memoir includes advice on why jerks are not what a woman needs--go for the nice guy.  She also includes a few practical guides to making your partner happy in bed.  Through it all, Chrystal moves from inexperienced and a bit lost to a strong woman who realizes, as Glinda in the Wizard of Oz so aptly put it to Dorothy:  "You've always had the power."  

I would recommend this memoir to young women who are learning who they are and what they want.  It is humorous and salty and chock full of sexual escapades and life lessons.  Fans of Chelsea Handler and Mindy Kaling will enjoy this quick read.  

And please, check out Indie Chicks!  

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