Wednesday, May 24, 2017

What's Your Dream Home Library?

Every book lover has thought a time or two (or, in my case, hundreds of times) about having an at home library.  Most of us will never have the space for a library; I'd have to live on an English estate to have my perfect library.  My tiny house has just enough room for 3 bookcases and plenty of shelving in my bedroom.  It's pretty fantastic to fall asleep with books all round me.  So far I haven't had any fall on my head.  Although I may have just jinxed myself.  

I've been challenged by Arhaus to write a blog on my dream library.  So, if money was no object, and I could have whatever I wanted...this is what I'd like:

A bar is a must!

This would be my library on the grounds of my estate
Dream library

Tree of Life pillow from Arhaus

A lovely rug for my library from Arhaus

A couple of these Baldwin chairs from Arhaus
I'd have to have some great wall art mixed with the books! Blue Haze from Arhaus

So as you can see, I'd like something cozy, yet light; toss in a couple hundred books and I'd be a happy camper!  Check out more home goods and living room furniture at Arhaus to help you build your dream library (or home!).
Lots of bookcases, of course!  Arhaus Athens 


  1. Cool! I almost bought a bed from Arhaus once but the shipping was a deal breaker. They do have great stuff.

    1. Yes--very beautiful furniture. I'd have a hard time deciding what to buy.
