Monday, January 1, 2018

A New Year, A New Reading Goal, and the Temptation of Gift Cards

My boyfriend is a pretty wonderful man. Every year for the past 15 years, he has given me gift cards to Barnes & Noble at Christmas.  I always ask for them, because I want to play it safe and make sure they're on my list.  He's generous, but it still only it takes me about one month to spend all the gift cards.  Last year I made it to mid-February.  This year I'm going to try and stretch them out to at least April.  Working at a public library helps keep my spending down, but I still can have a hard time controlling myself at a bookstore.'re the year I will read new titles, but also tackle my bookcases.  They are now filled with more books that I haven't read than books I've read. That is a problem. I can't give any away to friends until I've read them. Trust me, I've tried to pick out books I could give away, but I just can't do it without reading them first.  Pulling from my bookcases, here's what I'm going to read this month:

Ready to give Nora Robert's futuristic tale a try.

Reading for a book group.  Love Ruta Sepetys; I know it's going to be a tissue kind of novel. 

A fun romance and first in a series--and my only library book on the list!

Book review for publisher.  Intrigued. 

Book review for publisher.  And heck yes, I can't wait to read it!
I'd better get cracking.  Look for the review to Still Me later this month, as the novel will be published in the U.S. on January 30th.  

As for my reading goal this year, I'm sticking to 100 books.  I always do a much better job of focusing when I've got a solid goal to reach for, and this year is no different.  Now to just have some discipline with those gift cards...

Happy Reading Year!


  1. Good luck with your reading goals during 2018!! I read over 170 books in 2017... But am setting the bar low this year and going for quality verses quantity this year.

    1. Read 24 physical books (not ebooks) that I purchased prior to May 2014.
    2. Read 12 books that I've received for FREE through Goodreads or from another source (InKitt, author, publisher, etc.).
    3. Read 12 physical books that fall into the cozy mystery genre.
    4. Read 12 books that were purchased after May 2014 that do not fall into the cozy mystery genre category.

    Total = 60 Books For My Above Goals. If I read any additional books after I reach my 2018 reading goals... That would simply be icing on the cake!

    1. You are amazing! What an accomplishment. I've read a few cozy mysteries, and I like to read them when I need a reading cleanser after some heavy reads. Love those free books! I try and pass the physical ones around to friends. Good luck on your reading challenge this year. I've still got unread books I purchased 5 years ago, so I've got a lot to go back to and clean up.

  2. I think I have as much fun reading about other's reading goals as I do making my own. I wish you much enjoyment making yours!

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