Wednesday, February 26, 2020

March Reading from the Stacks and a Few DNF's from February

I've got a few days left in February, but I'm pretty sure I won't be finishing two of the books I've worked on all month: The Woman in the Veil and  The Parker Inheritance. I've picked them up numerous times but just can't seem to finish either one without getting distracted. I'll probably finish both of them at a later date. 

Today is DAY ONE of my self-imposed ban on buying books for 40 days. I'll admit it's going to be hard, because there are a few titles coming out in March that I really, really want. Come Easter Sunday, I'll be a the store, buying some books-- have no doubt about that. Meanwhile, wish me luck. I'm interested to see how I manage this and just what I'll be able to read from my stacks at home. It's a great chance to discover books I've been wanting to read, but forgot about after I stacked a few other books on top of them. It will be a month of discovery. 

Tonight, I'm looking through my stacks, deciding what to read in March. I quickly realized I have almost too many choices! It's hard to narrow it down. Here's what I hope to read and review this month: 

I've had this for a few years--set in 1654 Amsterdam, involving a young housekeeper and Rembrandt himself! The cover caught my eye and that's why I bought it in, uh, 2017. 

Another book from the stacks. I've had my eye on this series for quite some time and decided to finally start it. A woman doesn't realize her father is the famed Sherlock Holmes--and she's inherited his keen sense of deduction.

Oh, you betcha this one is on my list. Controversial seems to be an understatement. 

A read for publisher review about "a thriller set in the future where the Earth has stopped spinning".  A scientist holds the key to saving the Earth. Yay Scientists! 

A modern gothic thriller about a young woman, an elite school, and some ghostly happenings. A debut novel out in May, 2020.

I've got a whole lot of interesting reading coming up for March, and I can't wait to get started. I'm finishing up a really good novel called The Chill and I'll be reviewing that in the next few days. 

Happy reading everyone!  

The Bookalicious Babe

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