Wednesday, April 1, 2020

What Does a Person Read During a Pandemic? Anything That Makes Them Happy

Yes, we're all in this together, aren't we? And the one thing that always gives me comfort isn't working all that well for me: reading books. I find myself having a very hard time sitting still long enough to read more than a few pages, and when I'm reading, my mind is just racing. Getting through my TBR pile seems so darn insignificant right now. 

I hesitated to even write an April "What I'm Reading" post, but decided maybe it would help me focus a bit. So here are a few that I'm working on this month. I tend to reach for comforting reads--yes, some cozy mysteries, some romances, and historical fiction that grabs me. And sometimes I read about that thing that really worries me--in this case, the pandemic. I am that person who sits on a plane and thinks about it crashing, so I guess I'm also that person who wants to read novels about the world in a medical crisis. It's my way of saying "you don't scare me!" even when it does. 

So, here's what I'm working on in April:

Historical fiction about a home for wayward girls and two women who form a forever kind of friendship.

Contemporary fiction set in London about strangers brought together by a book left in a cafe. 

A father and daughter are the only two humans left on the earth, and a bear that leads the daughter home. 

Out in May, a thriller about a wedding and murder-on an island. 

Alma Katsu wrote The Hunger, which was a favorite book of mine a few years back. She returns with a supernatural historical tale about the Titanic and its sister ship, the Britannic, and a woman who keeps hearing the call of the ocean--and not in a good way.

I'll probably read a few other books during the month (fingers crossed!)--whenever I need something lighter. 

I hope you are all safe, healthy, and following social distancing. Please share what you're reading (or not) during this uneasy time in our lives. As the weather warms, I'll be starting book talks again from my back deck--watch for those on the Bookalicious Babe's Facebook page. 

Take care--

The Bookalicious Babe

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