Sunday, November 6, 2016

50 of My Favorite Books: Part One

This month, I'm looking back over the years and posting 50 of my all-time favorite books.  I don't have one favorite book, but I certainly have many that are near and dear to my heart.  They are the books that will never leave my house (or my heart).  Some are from childhood, others from as recently as the past few years.  God willing, I'll have another 50 years to read more amazing tales.  

Here's my first batch of favorite reads.  They are in no particular order, and run the gamut between fun romance, fantasy, and a heart-breaker that became a modern literary classic.  Some of these novels are the first in a series; I've listed just the first novel in the series, but I consider the series as one giant favorite read.

This series is everything I love about fantasy fiction!

Still makes me cry

My first Katie Fforde novel.  Fan for life.

This book made me a fan of Alice Hoffman.  Fantastic!

An out of print series that I read 25 years ago.  Still have all of them on my bookshelf.

Yes, Clive Barker wrote a teen series!  And it is awesome.  Get the illustrated editions.

Read an advanced copy of this novel and knew it was incredible from page one.

My first Christopher Moore novel.  Unconventional and hilarious.

Read this in junior high; beginning of my mythology obsession as a teen.

First read this 30 years ago; still have my original book club hardcover.  Reincarnation and history.  
 As you can see, my interests haven't changed too much over the years.  
I'll be posting another 40 favorite titles throughout November, to celebrate my **ahem** 50 years on the planet.  Honestly, I can't remember when I didn't read.  Books are such a part of my life that I can't even fathom a world without them.  

Share your favorite reads in the comments!  I love to see what everyone else has read or is reading...

1 comment :

  1. This is cool. I see you do a Top Reads list every year. So do I. Only I can never get it below 25-:) I have started thinking about this year's list.
