Tuesday, May 15, 2012

So, How Did I Do? And What's In Store This Week

I set myself a goal to read 8 books in from May 1st to the 15th.  I managed to read 6 of them; considering how busy I've been, I will take that as a good thing. I finished Deep Down by Karen Harper this morning--another book off the shelf!  It was a very different read--about the wild ginseng business in Kentucky.  Who knew it even existed?  I certainly didn't.  The love story between Jessica and Drew was minimal, but fit the story.  It was a romantic suspense novel from 2007 and I enjoyed it, I learned something completely new, and I got another book off my shelf.  A success all around.

What's in store for the next week?  Well, I still have so many things happening that I'm finding it hard to cram in all the reading I want.  It's making me a bit crabby.  I just can't stay awake at night!  But I loaded up my Nook with a lot of books from Netgalley and another source I'm lucky to have thanks to my place of employment!  I'm taking my Nook on vacation with me, along with a few bound books (cause I just can't take the chance of only having e-books!) so here's what I'm going to try and read over the next  2 weeks and on vacation:

Still have the 2 to finish from last week's list, but otherwise everything is on my Nook--except for Shadow of Night, which I was lucky enough to receive as a bound galley.  Woohoo!!  

What are you reading?  What's your most anticipated read for the summer?

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