Tuesday, March 1, 2016

DNF: I Do it, Do You?

None of us have unlimited time to read.  Life would be grand if we did, right?  If you're a fan of books as I am, there is always a pile (or two) of unread books, and that list that you keep adding titles to, and...well, it's a bit overwhelming.  I am confounded when I hear "I read two books last year" from people.  How do you only manage to read two, when there are hundreds to choose from?  

DNFdid not finish.  If there is one thing I learned early in life, it's that life is too short to keep reading a book that just doesn't hit all the right notes for me.  I have had friends who will keep reading a book, even if they don't like it, and want to read something else.  They are committed, and they will stick with it until the bitter end.  Oh no, not me.  Reading is my number one pleasure, my safe spot, and my happy place.  I will not continue with a book that doesn't grab me by page 100.  Sometimes if I know I won't finish a book, I'll read the end anyway.  Yes, I am also an end reader.  I do it without shame.  That's why I struggle with mysteries, but I'm trying very hard to read them without peeking at the end.  It is a rare book that I haven't end-read before I finish it.  Usually I'll peek before I get too far.  It actually helps me slow down and pay more attention to the story.  Crazy, I know.

It used to bother me how easily I gave up on some books, but I've realized that not every book is meant for me, and that's okay.  What may be someone's wonderful all-time favorite may not be mine, and vice versa.  That's the wonderful thing about books:  there is one for every taste.  

Yes, I DNF on a regular basis.  Just yesterday I called it quits on two books and returned them to the library.  Maybe someday I will return to those books and give them a chance again.  I'll be a different person then, and they may appeal to me in a way they didn't right now.  This is why I don't list what books I'm reading on my blog and instead just blog about books after I've finished them.  It is true that the moment I say what I'm going to read, I change my tune and read something else. I am consistently inconsistent. 

I think it would be fun for me to post every month books that I started and didn't finish, and why.  Or even books I'm struggling to finish and are taking me way too long to read.  For instance, All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr is a prime example.  I've had this book for over a year, and I've been slowly, painfully trying to get to the end for months.  I remember telling people last April that I was going to read it in the next week.  Here it is, 11 months later, and I'm still not to the end.  I can't figure out why.  It's a brilliant book, and the language is beautiful.  But nevertheless, I find it impossible to sit down and read it and be done with it.  It weighs on my mind that I can't finish this book.  I will, eventually, finish it.  But I'm not saying when.  

So, the DNF Files  will begin in March, with a look at what I didn't finish from February.  I'd love for you, dear followers, to comment on anything I've ditched that you've read, and what you think of the book.  You may turn me around!




  1. I mostly finish but I also read for research and some authors I read all their novels as a sort of self-taught literature study. But I completely respect the Reader's Right of reading what you want, not what you think you should. And I look forward to the DNF Files! The last book I DNF was The Art of Racing in the Rain. I just could not believe in that darn dog!

    1. Sometimes I will read one particular author multiple times in a year just because I "discover" them and have to read them all. It's fun to see their growth as an author that way. My DNF pile is wide, and deep!

  2. I'm with you there and do not believe in slogging it out. Which is why the library is such a good thing. When I read your post I had just compiled a short list of authors I admire tremendously, however cannot seem to finish - Salman Rushdie, Margaret Atwood and Joyce Carol Oates.

    1. Claudia I agree! It's almost like trying to like a certain food--you've tried it over and over, and still just don't like it. It's especially hard when everyone else like a book/author, and you just can't get through it. I always feel like I'm missing something obvious.

  3. I used to be afraid of DNF-ing, but I think life is too short for bad books or at least, books that are just not for me. I also agree with you with All The Light We Cannot See. I wanted to love it. It had such a good premise and I love books like that, but I could not get through it!
