Monday, November 21, 2011

What I'm (Trying) To Read Now

It's the time of year when suddenly I am reminded once again how old I'm getting.  Working retail at Christmas (this is my 21st year at it) gets harder every year.  After a two weekend stint where the crowds aren't even frantic yet, I am exhausted.  Yesterday I could pinpoint the exact time when my mind and body both pooped out:  3:55 pm.  Yep.  Standing at the cash registers, ringing up another customer, I suddenly just got really tired.  Not a sugar crash.  Just pooped.  Ready to go home and veg.

This all means that my reading is cut back.  Not because I have nothing to read (do you really think that would ever happen to me?!), but because I can't stay awake long enough to do some major inroads into a novel.  I've decided for now to give you a taste of what's on my reading radar:

A few pages in and I'm already snickering!

A fascinating look at what's under London

A local author writes about a local legend

I have an ARC!  Lots of buzz about this one

Recommended by a fellow book lover--
kids in a candy factory--yum
It's a pretty good mix, and only a handful of the books I have at home.  I'll probably be reading a few more Christmas titles but I haven't picked them out just yet--although this one does look very intriguing:

An elf framed for murder?  Looks like fun!


  1. i hear ya on the exhaustion, i don't even work and still fall asleep so early i barely read 20 pages... i have some great books too, i just think its the time of year that zaps us until we work into the winter darkness. good luck with black friday, i will wish you a happy thanksgiving now while your still awake :)

  2. All those look so good! I haven't been able to finish a book since the beginning of the school year. Looks like I'll have to quit my job in order to meet my goal of 100 books. *sigh*

  3. Hi Sue....."London Under" sounds so is a must for me.


