Monday, January 17, 2011

Random Read Monday

It's Random Read Monday,  so that means I'm picking another book off my bookshelves to read.  This week, it's The Knights of the Cornerstone by James P. Blaylock.  It's another book that's been sitting there for a few years, so it's time to read it!  I'm in the mood for a good fantasy novel.  

I'm still plugging away at last week's random read, too.  It's the book I take to the gym and read on the bike.  Hope to finish it this week, too.  The books are piling up!  My goal for January is 12 books; I have four to go.  If I finish my two random reads, and two more books I've signed out from work, I will make it with time to spare.  


  1. Hi Ms. Caboo! :) Finally had a minute to come over & poke around on your blog. Was going to post in the linky for you, but having some trouble finding it! Finally found it (thank you Ctrl F!) but the linky is closed now. I'll try to hit it next time! :)

  2. That sounds great! I will post it again towards the end of the week. Welcome aboard!
