Sunday, February 13, 2011

This Week is E-Galley Week & Sad Bookstore News

I found a fabulous website called that lets you request ARCs from publishers that are in ebook format.  Then you download them to your ereader, and you have 60 days to read them.  Publishers request that you review them and mention netgalley in your review.  

I have six (!) e-galley books on my NOOKColor, thanks to  I am so excited to have another way to read upcoming titles that interest me, and they are free.  I am a happy happy girl.  I'll be working my way through these e-galleys this week and probably the next week, too.  So watch for reviews on them.  I also have ARCS in good 'ol book format waiting for me to pick them up, too.  I really have no need at all to buy a book for quite some time.  The rest of February is dedicated to enjoying all of these books.  Then I'll get back to the books  I've got stacked around my living room.  Seriously, I managed to get them all on the  shelves a few months ago, and now I have more stacks on the floor.  

In sad news, Borders Books is probably filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy soon.  I work at Barnes and Noble, and Borders has been our competition long before Amazon came along.  But I am very sad when any bookstore closes.  It means that many more people either aren't reading, or won't read.  From what little I know, it seems like Borders fell prey to some ill timing and too many switches in management.  I am blessed to be working for a company that has looked forward into the world of books and made steps to stay active and remain a crucial  part of bookselling.  There really is nothing like stepping into a bookstore, whether it's an independent, used, or superstore.  It's still a store dedicated to the love of books, and is staffed by people who are there because they love books.  It's that simple.  Clicking a mouse and buying on the internet does not have the same feeling and will never replace a bookstore.  Yes, it is convenient, but I've always felt a trip to the bookstore was a special treat.  We must support our local businesses, even if they are a national company.  They employ local workers, who spend their money in the community.  Without them, our communities suffer.   

Now, you may wonder, why am I getting free books?  Well, it makes me a better bookseller.  I simply cannot buy every book I want, even with a generous employee discount.  Customers expect us to know about every book that's out, every book that's coming out, and to have a PhD in every subject known to man.  I cannot do that, but I can read as much as possible, and have many suggestions for people.  I can share books I love, and be happy when people return telling me how much they enjoyed a book I suggested.  I still spend the majority of my money after bills and food on books.  They will always be something that I will spend my money on, and without a bit of guilt.  

So remember to support your local bookstores, wherever they are.  


  1. i agree we should support book stores... we make it date every couple of months to go browse. after buying some not so hot choices i have taken to not shopping when i am there though, i come home and read reviews on amazon, and then if i think its a good fit for me i try the library first, if not, i end up ordering from amazon... its shameful, i know, so every so often i buy something just to know i am making the effort to keep a bookstore in our community when you read 3 books a weeks its too expensive paying retail, i do prefer free or used, or any kindle reduced :)

  2. Yes, I agree, an addicting habit like reading can be expensive. So I spend the money on what I absolutely must have, and try and find other ways to read everything else.
